+61401395441 leigh@optomly.com.au

Everyday our brains have to keep up with more and more data.

And yet, in clinic, we have to be agile. The information needs to be there when we need it.

Wouldn’t it be nice to remember the name of that journal article? Or the globe model in your slit lamp?

Evernote is like your digital brain. It allows you to store almost any type of information, from whatever device you use.

Evernote allows you to make sense of everything.

Here are 15 Ways that Evernote can help you Remember Everything in Your Practice:


  1. Capture clinical articles

In my Evernote, I have a ‘Practice’ folder. When I come across an interesting article, such as in Australian Optometry or PracticeUpdate, I save a copy to my Practice Folder in Evernote. To help remember, I can tag the topic of the note, for example ‘dry eye’. All of the text in the article is searchable too. Retrieving articles is fast- Evernote has an index and sends you back results very quickly.

  1. Store Social Media Ideas

There are some social media authors that I just have to keep up with. A lot of what they write is valuable. I like to keep a copy of these articles, especially for topics that I’m researching. Over time, I build a resource bank of useful articles over several topics. Evernote makes it easy to collect these.

  1. Scan supplier business cards

Using the Scannable app on iOS (or Android), I can scan any business card and automatically create a new contact in my phone. It also adds business name, so I can remember where I met “John Smith”. The App can also link to LinkedIn, and allow me to browse a bio if I forget.

  1. Record audio notes for ideas

When you’re running between appointments, sometimes there isn’t time to scribble an intelligible note. That’s where audio notes come in. If I’m away from my desk, I can pull out my phone and record an audio note. When I get back to my desk, I can play the note.

  1. Record non-OA CPD

CPD options are increasing. In an audit by the Optometry Board, it’s great if you have easy access to your CPD. With Evernote, you can backup your CPD records, and easily pull them up later. Do you remember when you last did CPR training?

  1. Capture local newspaper articles

Giving a presentation in your community is great. However, it’s good to record your community work as a way to see the return on your time investment. In Evernote, you can easily Scan or take a Photo with your phone of relevant news articles about your practice. These can be handy for referring back to. It can also be useful to record other health-related news in your community newspaper.

  1. Record photos of patient gifts

Remember when your patient sent you a lovely note and chocolates? This can help give you a boost on days that are tough or exhausting. Take a photo of the card, including the inside. Read through the kind words. Remember the chocolates. (If you can’t, share some with your team members.)

  1. Write a synchronized shopping list

Part of the way through a refraction, you remember that your spouse asked you to get milk on the way home. If you forget, then there’s no breakfast for the kids tomorrow. Evernote allows you to create a shared shopping list. You can also tick off items as you put them in your trolley.

  1. Take a photo of your consumables

Say that you’re running low on printer toner, or that you really need some more ophthetic. You may be able to give an old package to a staff member, and get them to order it. However, it’s simpler to say, order me this, and check the Evernote on Supplies if you’re not sure which type.

Something less frequent to order might be globes for your slit lamp? Perhaps you have different types at your practice. No problem. Take a photo of the box. You don’t have to remember anymore.

  1. Business insurance details

In an emergency, it’s handy to have your business insurance details with you. As mentioned, Evernote syncs with your smartphone, so you can easily pull up important information. And you don’t have to be at your practice.

  1. Attach copies of your equipment manuals

Take calibration of your Goldmann Tonometer. It’s something that’s rarely done. Attach PDF copies of all your equipment manuals in Evernote. This will save wading through the bottom drawer. Better yet, keep a copy of your Medmont Calibration File in Evernote. This will save you paying Medmont a bit to send you another one. Trust me.

  1. Supplier invoices

Look up the last supplier (eg Optique Line) invoice and easily see what you ordered, before the rep does. You can also tag the invoices as ‘paid’ or ‘to be paid’ and make life easier for your bookkeeper. Later, they can change the status too.

  1. Insurance claims

Accidents happen. It’s important to have evidence of damage to your practice. You may want to refer back to it later too. Take photos, audio notes and diagrams, and save them all together in Evernote.

  1. Historical Practice Images:

History of your practice is important. You may like to save photos of your practice prior to renovating or moving to a new location. Then use the photos on Social Media (e.g. before/after).

  1. Conferences

You can take photos of different models, and attach your thoughts as you wander around. Later, you can also attach any emails of specifications, quotes or other comments from Reps. At a lecture? Import a PDF copy of the notes beforehand, and scribble on them during a lecture. Your notes are searchable too. Cool!


How You Can Get Started:

I hope that these are some useful things that you can do with Evernote in Your Practice.

If you’d like to get up and running quickly with Evernote*, I highly recommend Evernote Essentials* by Brett Kelly. He previously worked at Evernote and has made one of the best manuals for it. Grab a copy for yourself today.

*Contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission when you buy these items. If I didn’t receive any coffee money, then I would still recommend them.





Free Download: How to use Google to bring you more potential patients

Free Download: How to use Google to bring you more potential patients

Need new patients? Don't get left behind. Download the guide "How to use Google to bring you more potential patients" as seen in Optometry Australia News 2018


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