+61401395441 leigh@optomly.com.au

Looking to grow your practice?

Or want to generate more income from your Associate Optometrist?

If so, you’re in the right place. You can generate an extra $24,218.60 for your practice…

Not by sending out mailers, flyers or business cards.

No other marketing work was done.

Here’s a spoiler-

-this is a case study with two emails.

I hear you say “My inbox is overflowing…does anyone actually read emails in 2020?”

This is a case study from a client of mine.

Here is a screenshot of the two email campaign results:

We calculated the revenue on people who opened or clicked this email.

Then we looked at the revenue that they brought into the practice.

They spent $24,218.60 between 5th December and 23rd December (that is, eighteen days).

This number excludes purchases that these people may have influenced to make a purchase in this period (such as spouses, children or parents.) It also excludes purchases made after this date. Some people may have come in after the case study finished.

Want a good system for sending emails? Here are two that I recommend

  • Active Campaign- harder to setup and learn, but it does almost everything (like a fully customised Android phone)- get started
  • Convertkit- one of the easiest to use (like an iPhone)- get a free trial here

So what was in the emails:

  • Email 1- Use your private health insurance or lose it
  • Email 2- Story about happy patient bringing a thank you gift

We saw a list of names that had opened or clicked these emails. Then we compared this to a list of patients who had made a purchase.

We found that these two emails had contributed an extra $24,218.60. Without any other advertising.

Got your newsletter list ready in an Excel/CSV file?

It’s easy to upload to a recommended email system:

  1. Sign up for an account
  2. Upload your Excel/CSV file
  3. Confirm the columns to use for first name, last name and email
  4. See patient bookings start to come in

Want an easy to use email system? Choose Active Campaign or get a free trial of Convertkit

Free Download: How to use Google to bring you more potential patients

Free Download: How to use Google to bring you more potential patients

Need new patients? Don't get left behind. Download the guide "How to use Google to bring you more potential patients" as seen in Optometry Australia News 2018


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